Thursday, January 25, 2007

5Q's - Alexander Kjerulf

Another hit ... yeah, this is going better than I imagined. Sugegstions for those you'd like to hear from are always welcome.

This episode of 5Q is from Alexander Kjerulf or

1. What are you reading now or what did you last read?
I'm currently reading an advance copy of The No Asshole Rule by Bob Sutton. That is one excellent book, and it once and for all ends the myth that we need to tolerate jerks and assholes at work. I'm also reading a fantasy book called Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb - it's excellent, if you like that kind of thing :o)

2. What's your best bit of advice?
Be happy at work. Do not settle for a job that is "OK" or "nice" or "not too bad". Make sure that you love your job - or leave and find a job that you can love. If you do, you will find that you become much more productive, more creative, you'll enjoy work more AND you will enjoy life more!

3. Half-full or half-empty?
There is no glass.

4. What's your alternative career choice?
A chef. Or the guy who runs your friendly neighborhood café - the one with the nice employees and the great coffee.

5. Who would you get to play you in a movie?
I'm thinking Zach Braff. He ain't that good-looking either :o)

You've read my email, now read my book - it's even *better* :o)
It's called "Happy Hour is 9 to 5" and you can buy it on paper, as a pdf or read it free online!
Learn more at

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