Tuesday, January 09, 2007

5 Q's - Randall Munroe

Another hit - this time Randall Munroe of xkcd fame.

1. What are you reading now or what did you last read?
The Starship and the Canoe, by Kenneth Brower.

2. What's your best bit of advice?
Talk to strangers, even if you're shy. It's where 90% of the good things in life come from.

3. Half-full or half-empty?
Half full. Possibly even nine-sixteenths full, because there's always measurement error to hope for!

4. What's your alternative career choice?
Doing a webcomic IS my alternative career choice. I used to be a roboticist.

5. Who would you get to play you in a movie?
This is hard. I'd love to hear all my lines spoken by Jeremy Irons. Also Don LaFontaine. But I guess I'd pick Jim Carrey. But like in Eternal Sunshine, not Ace Ventura. I've always been convinced he was a good actor, even before he started doing serious things. What about Janeane Garofalo? But I don't know; I'm so boring in real
life. I can't imagine any of those people just sitting at a computer and giggling occasionally. It would be such a waste.

Thanks Randall.

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