Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Staff happenings ....

It would seem churlish for me to go on criticising my management when in excess of 150,000 people have losy their lives in a disaster the likes that none of us have probably ever seen before ...

However, it does make me wonder at the minds of some folks .... 150,000 plus dead and some of us continue as if nothing has happened. I guess in some way most of us have been affected in one way or another or know somebody who knows somebody ... but lets bereal. We are OK, we are safe .... the only the real thing to think about is what can I do to help? When I say "I" that includes anyone who may read this blog.

I applaud the 7 BT engineers who have freely offered to go and help rebuild communications infrastructures as they will have to live rough for weeks ... I too want to go, but whilst I could offer my physical self I don't have any unusual skills that are required. Yes I am a good network engineer, but I do believe they are a long way from worrying about "surfing the web" or somesuch.

I am appalled though at the fact that a lot of Americans are trying to draw some form of comparison bewteen their self-stylised 9/11 and the devastating earthquake in Asia. Get a grip people, and here I realise the ire of Americans will bear down on me, the two happenings are miles apart in experience and bear no resemblance other than the tragic loss of life in both cases.

On the flip side, work has been interesting in that I mostly have not been there. Took a few days off for Christmas and after having slipped on teh ice that has turned into a few more - which is why this journal has been quiet for so long ... so new managers (if you like the title then who am I to argue) and old members of staff finally getting out .... so long G, I will miss you despite your moods at times :)