Thursday, December 16, 2004

Management 101.b

It seems they don't learn. Job advertised internally only and to a closed circle of 5 personnel. 1 immediately decides no way he'll get the job, another decides he doesn't want the hassle (apart from other stuff) and tells big boss this, only to get a diatribe about making "the biggest mistake of his career". I, being one of said 'closed circle', also decide I don't want the grief - plus I have a job at that salary grade and more opportunities in it so why the need to interview for less prestige?

Do management call it off? Do they also advertise more widely, or even external? Hah - what do you think? Anyway, job has now gone to one of the two remaining "candidates" who, we all know, is the least qualified and least capable of doing the job ...... hmmmm
, interesting times ahead!