Thursday, December 02, 2004

Management - How not to 101

The BIG boss has been at it again ... if anybody, ever, wants a lesson in how not to do it then please contact me and we can discuss my fee for passing on my knowledge .

Myself, I never wanted to be a manager and have fallen into supervisory work more by default than by anything else and currently have 7 people that I am "responsible" for. It's actually quite fun as these 7 guys are good eggs who work hard and want to get on in life .... or maybe I'm just blessed?

Just a short note tonight ... but my trusty Psion 5mx is on its way to being sold ... just over 5hrs left for it on eBay and it is doing well. It's replacement - a palmone tungsten T2 is proving to have a high fun quotient as well as being very useful (of course).

Anyway - just enough time to say Happy Anniversary Dad.