Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What's new ....

I was on blogger.com's frontpage when a link rolled past. It meant nothing to me, it still doesn't but for some reason it attracted me in. Anyway, it took me to ...


Which appears to be a very new blog and with only two posts so far but I have to say that the article on a child safe internet was a very interesting read and the second blog that it linked too was also a good read and both broadly match my views.

What else ... oh yes ...

https://anonybrowser.com/login.php looks interesting, especially in the light of the above two mentioned blogs. For a paltry $4 a month one can have unfettered access to the internet ... or is it too good to be true? I personally am not concerned enough about my privacy to need to hide behind an anoymous company who may disappear tomorrow.