Top Security
Been quiet for way too long, but here's one for you.
When I read this I couldn't really believe the words coming forth.
I have no issue with most of the article, but these lines got me all a quiver: "Don’t even consider ZoneAlarm or Comodo. No one needs a software firewall above the one built into Windows itself".
Ok, so they did soften that a little with "Instead use a hardware NAT router which acts as a firewall".
Whilst accurate the article is very over-simplistic without stating, beyond the obvoius one liner, why people shouldn't consider software firewalls. More pertinently they don't go on to elucidate or point out where one could read up on the alternative he suggests.
I'd agree that ZoneAlarm in its free version shouldn't be used - at least not whilst its performance continues to be well below par of its paid for brother. Comodo gets good reviews and very favourable tech write ups so again the one line dismissal is strage.
At heart is the blogger taking PC World to task for their recently published article on the Top 15 Free Security Apps one should have and use (not necessarily all the time) - at least they had the decency to explain their reasonings as to why they picked teh apps they did. This blogger elected to rip into it with little to no reason or explanation.
As I say, I do tend to agree with him, but telling non techies not to use software firewall is tantamout to touting for business.